Charlie Mars

Charlie Mars lives on a gravel paved County Road in the hill country of Yalobusha County, Mississippi. Why? He used to live in a college town with all the college town stuff that musicians like. He fell in love with Cane Corso Mastiff puppies on Instagram that a guy in Brazil was breeding, and Charlie had made some money on a crypto coin called Shiba Inu, that was enough to pay for the dog and shipping. The puppy that Charlie picked up in Arkansas would grow to be 130 lbs, and quite a handful. After the dog bit a friend in the little town Charlie was living in, his brother found some clear cut land in the middle of nowhere with a weird house on it, and Charlie decided to buy it and move there. His dog needed space and he was burned out on the whole “modern thing”. His Grandfather was a cattle farmer and a lot of people he respected did things close to the land he purchased. He got rid of television and learned how to harvest vegetables. He introduced himself to his neighbors and started writing about what was around him in his new country home.